Wednesday 6/2/10 service plays chatter/comps/requests & gm strategy...


New member
Mar 12, 2008
anyone heard of horse betting professor ? This should be the same guy who delivers all US sports. Anyone bought the package already?


New member
Aug 24, 2009
Looking for thisplay from Nick Parsons..if anyone see it... IT IS EARLY... I will post a few plays later

Nick's 10* *VERY EARLY* DIV. TOTAL OF YEAR-3-1/75%
***VERY EARLY OPPORTUNITY*** Congrats to everyone who jumped aboard Nick's *10* RUN LINE play on the Yanks last night; with that victory he's now on a STELLAR 3-1 (75%) *10* TOP PLAY run! Nick is also on a four day 6-2 (75%) run with all of his MLB plays; WIN WHILE AT WORK! This is one total you can't miss!

Nov 11, 2007
Sean Michaels-fake or real?

Some of you like I may have questions as to who the real Sean Michaels is-currently there is a capper on Demarco's site who claims to be Michaels.
The only problem is is that the photo shown of him on the site bears ZERO resemblance to another guy calling himself Sean Michaels who was a capper at another site 4-5 years ago and who allegedly promised to leave the service if he lost a big pick which he did.
The first Sean Michaels at the other site always bragged how great he was and of his sexual conquests most of which centered around two Las Vegas Asian Escorts/Hookers.
Also, the first Sean Michaels had an eerie resemblance both in appearance and voice to LOSER Lang.
To compound matters, Stu Feiner's oldest son has the actual name of Sean Michaels-very interesting to say the least!
Anyways that is the backdrop.
Well I decided to try to get to the bottom of this and emailed customer service at Demarco's service telling them essentially what I stated above and what their thoughts were.
Since they did not respond, I sent them another email to see if they got the first email.
I then received an email back from someone at customer service telling me that they deal ONLY with technical matters evern though their website indicates that anything is fair game as long as no threats are made or profanity used.
I reminded them of this and received a second email from the telling me that they would forward my original email to higher authorities but probably not to expect an answer.
Well, they were right about the latter, as no one has yet reponded.
My conclusion is that the guy on their website who claims to be Sean Michaels is not Sean Michaels-if Vegas had a line out on something like this, I would bet a large amount that the guy pictured on their site does not have a matching birth cert. stating he is Sean Michaels.
Anyways, for those of you clamoring for the picks of Sean Michaels, just be aware that this might very well simply be another set of picks peddled by the site to attract more customers and nothing more-now Santa Claus move over, you may have company!

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